Meet Melanie, our Farm Success Mobbler

Get to know farm success Mobbler, Melanie Brown! Her favourite food is a really great goat's cheese and she loves to holiday at the Otways because it’s “the perfect combination of bush, surf, hikes and koalas”.
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Published on
August 3, 2021

Get to know Farm Success Mobbler, Melanie Brown! Her favourite food is a really great goat's cheese and she loves to holiday at the Otways because it’s “the perfect combination of bush, surf, hikes and koalas”.

Meet Melanie

Farm Success Mobbler

I grew up in the city but my favourite childhood memories are all on the farms of family and friends. I started working on farms when I left school, and did an Ag degree at Melbourne Uni. Since then I’ve moved to the country Victoria and never looked back. I love it here and I can’t think of anything better than being involved in producing great food with great people. 

Outside of my work with Mobble I do a couple of different things- I’m a relief milker on a local dairy farm one day a week, and also do soil testing and recommendations for local farmers. My true passion is looking after my small but growing herd of Anglo-Nubian dairy goats. 

I’d say my best talent is that I’m a great listener. This comes in handy for passing on all the valuable farmer feedback at Mobble to make sure we’re building exactly what farmers need. I’m also a pretty great cook! 

Melanie with her Goats

Melanie’s time with Mobble

How did you get started at Mobble?

I really loved the app the first time I saw it! When I signed up for a trial of Mobble I was blown away by how user-friendly, streamlined and genuinely useful it was. I’d worked for Agtech companies previously and really enjoyed working in customer support roles, so when the opportunity came up at Mobble I jumped on the chance to bring such a fantastic tool to farmers and help them sort out their records. 

I’m coming up to my first anniversary as the Mobble Farm Success manager, and I look forward to many more. 

What is your favourite part of working at Mobble? 

Definitely having a great chat with a farmer, which I get to do most days. The ag industry is full of down to earth, knowledgeable, friendly people who are generous with their time and feedback. I always learn something new, and I love bringing them something that really helps them out. 

Got questions on Mobble - get in touch with Melanie at [email protected]

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