Meet Carly, our latest Farmer Success Manager

Introducing Carly, Mobble's new Farmer Success Manager. Check out this article and get to know more about Carly's love of Agriculture, family and animals.
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March 6, 2022

Get to know our new Farmer Success Mobbler, Carly Fabris.

Carly joins us from Mangoplah in NSW and has hit the ground running to provide customer support for our Mobblers. Read on to get to know our newest member.

Mobble Farmer Success Manager, Carly

Meet Carly

I grew up in a small fishing town called Southend in the South East of South Australia. My family runs a Crayfishing license and have a small cropping property. My Grandparents owned a cattle property 10 minutes down the road from us where my passion for Agriculture and Livestock in particular grew. I spent many mornings before school moving cattle on our horses with my Grandfather and weekends helping in the cattle yards.

When I finished High School I did a gap year working for the Commonwealth Bank then made the big move to Wagga Wagga, NSW to study Animal Science. While at Uni I had the opportunity to work on many properties to gain some experience including a couple of summers in New Zealand which would have to be the highlight. After graduating from University I worked for Commonwealth Bank Agribusiness as a Business Banker then an Agri Analyst. After working at the bank for a few years I had a strong drive to put my degree to better use and started working for a local Livestock Nutrition Company as a Sales Manager. 

Ten years later I am still in the area, I moved here for Uni, met my partner at a Stockmans challenge and the rest is history. We live on Jeremy's family property in Mangoplah, NSW with our two beautiful girls. Jeremy and I have an Irrigation business that keeps Jeremy very busy.

Getting started at Mobble

After having the girls I was keen to get stuck back into some work, a good friend of mine had been telling me all about the farm app that she had been using and how great it was and that they were looking to hire someone to join the Mobble team. I checked out the role advert and was excited to get in touch with Jock to chat about the role! I'm passionate about working with farmers to help with making the day to day farming easier for them and having a chat with a nice farmer is always a plus. The role looked perfect for our family for me to have the ability to still prioritise family time and help Jem out with the irrigation business when needed. I had a chat with Jock and the rest is history! 

I love how passionate Jock and the team are about Mobble and what they are bringing to Australian and New Zealand Farmers! I am also very excited to be back working with and talking to farmers every day!

Carly and her kids

Outside of work

Family time is so precious to me, with running our own small business there is often not much time left for us to spend together as a family, so when there is the opportunity to do that we grab it! We love a Bonfire in Winter and cooking sausages on the coals for the kids! I also enjoy spending time with my family at home in SA. I grew up in such a beautiful town and really enjoy taking the girls home to do the things I loved doing as a child like spending time at the beach and in the sandhills, meeting the boat at the jetty at the end of a fishing day, visiting the lake for duck opening and spending time with our extended family!

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