Mobble Help Centre

Historic Livestock Graphs & Paddock Performance

Features around paddock and property performance, so Mobblers can better understand which paddocks are making the most bang for buck! Or which seasons are getting better results.

Historic Livestock Graphs

These graphs make it easy to visualise historic livestock totals, paddock and property stocking rates, and performance.

3 graphs + 3 very important bits of info:

  • Historic livestock totals
  • Stocking unit totals with a 12 month rolling average
  • Stocking units per hectare with a 12 month rolling average

You can find these graphs in the Dashboard, Individual Paddocks and the Reports page in the web-app. 

Paddock Performance Measurement

To measure paddock performance, we need to know how heavily stocked that land has been over a set period of time. Our new Paddock Performance Measurement calculates the average stocking rate over a rolling 12 month period (av. stocking rate/Ha).

These values can be seen in the Mobble mobile and web-app and will help Mobblers visualise overperforming and underperforming paddocks so they can better plan for the future. To order paddocks from heaviest stocked to lightest stocked go to the paddock page on the web-app here.

Get in contact with us directly at or call +61 481 614 546 for AU Mobblers or +64 20 412 8383 for NZ.

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